Upcoming Events
NYSCMA Annual Conference
Annual Conference
May 21-23
Saratoga Casino Hotel Saratoga Springs, NY
MAA Breakfast Gathering at the Pace University Law School
Please join us for a breakfast gathering on April 17th from 9 AM to 11 AM at the Pace University Law School. The Chair of the Pace University Department of Public Administration, Dr. Rebecca Tekula and Dr. Gina Scutelnicu-Todoran, a professor in the Department will speak to the group about Pace’s community-engaged research. They will highlight their work in Westchester County and share some thoughts on how municipalities can engage with academics in research, assessment and evaluation. Current MPA students and alumni will be invited along with faculty.
NYSCMA Fall Training Session
Fall Training Session Agenda and Program Schedule
9:15AM – 9:55AM – Campus Arrival
9:30AM – 10:30AM - Continental Breakfast
10:00AM – 11:00AM – Robert Blaisdell, Risk Management Director and Mike Kenneally, Executive Director for NYSCMA member sponsor Comp Alliance, will present on Drug Testing and Employee Discipline within the regulatory framework of the newly enacted Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act.
11:00AM – 12:30PM - Ed Eisenstein will present on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in local government. Mr. Eisenstein is an IT professional having worked in the public sector, as CIO for Nassau County on Long Island. He currently consults in the public and private sectors.
12:30PM - Lunch
1:00PM – 2:00PM - Bryan Goldberger, an Albany based municipal attorney with labor law and collective bargaining experience, will discuss current collective bargaining negotiating strategies while providing updates on important recently enacted and/or pending PERB decisions.
2:15PM – 3:30PM - Campus Tours: Main Campus & Pine Lake Environmental Campus (Pine Lake Campus is a few miles from the main campus, requiring a short drive).
3:30PM – Training Seminar organized schedule complete.
2023 NYSCMA Annual Conference
The 2023 NYSCMA Annual Conference provides an excellent opportunity to network and strengthen relationships through the exchange of ideas, best practices, and expertise for the benefit of our local communities.
Click below for the 2023 Annual Conference Letter of Invitation and Registration Form, including lodging information. Hotel reservations must be made by April 30 to receive preferred rates.
2021 ICMA Annual Conference
Scheduled for October 3-6, 2021 in Portland, Oregon
The 2021 ICMA Annual Conference is scheduled for October 3-6, 2021 in Portland, Oregon. ICMA will always be guided by the safety and well-being of our members, exhibitors, sponsors, and partners and are hopeful that the status of the country and specifically Portland, will allow us to host the conference as an in-person event. We will continue to monitor the situation and work with our Portland host committee and partners to make a decision by Spring. If the ICMA Annual Conference is able to be held in person, we will also be planning for a hybrid event, in which members who are not comfortable or able to travel, will have the opportunity to participate virtually.
Help Shape the 2021 ICMA Annual Conference Program
ICMA members and nonmembers are invited to propose ideas through the Call for Presentations by Monday, April 12 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Annual Conference Sponsorships and Exhibiting Opportunities Will Be Announced Soon
Please reach out to Megan Sherman (msherman@icma.org) for more details and to be added to the distribution list.
Additional Questions
Please email us at: conferenceteam@icma.org.
Free Webinar: City Health Dashboard: Using Data for COVID-19 Response and Recovery
Learn about the Dashboard's data and how local stakeholders have used this free online resource to more fully understand local health needs and pressing challenges.
Most US cities lack actionable data specific to their jurisdictions on population health status, health determinants, and equity. To address this gap, a team at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, in collaboration with NYU Wagner School of Public Service, the National Resource Network, ICMA, and the National League of Cities, developed the City Health Dashboard for all 750+ U.S. cities with populations of 50,000 or higher.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Dashboard has added new measures of COVID risk and monthly unemployment to help cities think about their response and recovery. Learn about the Dashboard's data and how local stakeholders have used this free online resource to more fully understand local health needs and pressing challenges, better target resources to areas with the largest health inequities, and think about long term resilience.
2021 ICMA Northeast Regional Conference
In 2021, the ICMA Northeast Regional Conference will be going virtual and will provide a space for local government professionals of all career stages to come together for discussions that focus on tools, processes, and leading practices in the long-term, equitable recovery and transformation of local government management and communities.
FREE COACHING WEBINAR: Response to Emergencies That Impact All Citizens
Rights of the Individual vs Health and Welfare of Community
ICMA Coaching Program Webinars
2021 Live Webinars
Use these free Webinars as a Professional Development events for your team! If you have a conflict, and can't attend, you will be sent a notification when the archived webinar is posted for viewing.
Sign up for all six 2021 Webinars at once!
All webinars are 90 minutes, and will be held at: 10:30 AM PT / 11:30 AM MT / 12:30 PM CT / 1:30 PM ET. Pre-registration is required for all live webinars.
Complimentary ICMA Coaching Program webinars give local government professionals of all career stages the opportunity to bolster skills and learn about new and leading practices, strategies, tactics, developing issues, and trends in the profession of local government management. Participation in free coaching webinars qualifies for ICMA-CM (Voluntary Credentialing Program) credit.
Join our coaching email list to receive program information.
Become a State Partner: Webinars are open to all persons interested in local government. We are grateful for the ICMA Coaching State Partners who aid in identifying topics and presenters for our live webinars. We encourage more state associations to become partners. For more information about partnerships, email: coaching@icma.org
Miss a webinar? Watch it anytime! High quality video recordings of these and other webinars are available in the Coaching Webinar ICMA Classroom in the "On Demand" section, search for "Coaching". For ICMA Coaching Webinars from 2019 and earlier, find them in the 2008-2019 Archives.
Free Webinar: COVID-19 Cost Recovery
Ways to Maximize Federal Funding for Response, Recovery and Vaccination
Free Webinar: Short-Term Vacation Rentals: What Local Governments Need to Know
Learn how Airbnb-style rentals impact quality of life, and how to effectively regulate, enforce, and even benefit from STRs in your jurisdiction.
Best represented by the types of rentals found on Airbnb, VRBO, and Flipkey, short-term rentals have grown from a cottage industry to a multi-billion-dollar market. Although it has positively impacted many economies, without strategic ordinances and effective enforcement, this rapidly changing market can harm communities and create significant headaches for local government.
Join Ulrik Binzer & Jeffrey B. Goodman to discuss how Airbnb-style rentals impact quality of life, and how to effectively regulate, enforce, and even benefit from STRs in your jurisdiction. In this session, you’ll learn:
Current developments in the short-term rental market today through proprietary data.
How, and why, to build a strategic ordinance that works.
Key components of an effective enforcement program.
How short-term rental enforcement can improve revenue collection.
Ulrik Binzer, General Manager of Compliance Services, Granicus
Jeffrey Goodman, Planner
This webinar is complimentary thanks to the sponsorship of an ICMA Strategic Partner, Granicus, who will have access to registration information.
FREE COACHING WEBINAR: Talent Management in the 21st Century: Growing, Attracting, and Retaining Your Best
ICMA Coaching Program Webinar Series
The days when employees were hired right out of college and stayed with the same company until they retired are long gone, and yet many organizations still follow the same talent management process from thirty years ago. Organizations must re-imagine best practices for attracting, growing, and retaining talent in this age of technological advancement.
What we'll cover:
How can organizations attract and retain talent?
Should talent be grown from within the organization?
Is there a lack of clear guidance and general objectives about talent management in the Human Resources field?
We'll be using webinar tools (including real-time questions and live polling) to make this a great opportunity for audience interaction.
ICMA-CM: This webinar meets Practice 13 (Human Resources Management and Workforce Engagement) of ICMA’s Practices for Effective Local Government Leadership.
Preferred browsers for accessing the webinar: Chrome, Firefox or Edge.
2020 Virtual Fall Seminar
9:00 AM President’s Welcoming Remarks and Association News
9:30 AM Legislative Updates and Post-Covid Economic Forecasts
10:15 AM Break
10:30 AM Results of the NYSCMA/CGR 2020 Local Government Survey
11:00 AM Pandemic Preparedness and Emerging Management Issues
Lunch Break
1:00 PM Age-Friendly Communities: Case Material from Tompkins County
2:00 PM Open Discussion
Special thanks to our Secretariat SUNY Brockport, Dr. Celia Watt and Dr. Mike Hattery for hosting NYSCMA